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Deus Regit

Deus Regit (God Rules)

God rules the Universe. He is the creator of Heaven and Earth and all things that in them are. (2 Nephi 2:14)

Deus Regit is an acknowledgement of God’s goodness and mercy to and love for all of His children individually from before the creation of the world, here in mortality and into the eternities. The collection stands as a testimony of and in gratitude for the Giver of life, light and eternal happiness.

Hand-crafted in solid Sterling Silver, each collection piece features the image of God descending from the heavens, breaking through the clouds in full glory, with heavenly hosts praising His name in worship and song. God’s scepter, a symbol of His power and might, holds a diamond, reminding all that God sees overall.

The contrasting imagery below is a reminder of the adversary, depicted as a serpent with ruby eyes. The repeating flame pattern underneath the mossy-black enamel is a reminder of his relentless attempts to destroy light, liberty and freedom. The opaque black enamel at the base represents the absence of all light.

The gripping section is divided onto two halves, representing spirit prison and spirit paradise, where all who have lived on the earth await resurrection.

God is “The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God”. (D&C 88:6, 12–13) His power and glory rule and triumph over all opposition: light over darkness, life over death, health over sickness, love over hatred, liberty over captivity, joy over misery, peace over contention, comfort over fear, hope over despair and right over wrong.

He pleads with us to choose the former of all of these and to choose to follow Him: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”. Isaiah 5:20) “Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore.”. (Psalm 37:27)

Deus Regit is the 37th collection in the David Oscarson™ series of Limited Edition writing instruments. Available as either Fountain Pen or Roller ball, the collection continues in the spirit of artistic mastery and the tradition of Old World craftsmanship by combining the centuries-old technique of Guilloché with the art and expertise of Hard Enamel.

Using a mortar and pestle, a composition of glass, water and metal oxides is ground for hours by hand. When settled, the water is removed, leaving the fine paste that is the basis for hard enamel. A quill is then used to apply each coat of the mixture to the surface of the solid Sterling Silver, ensuring that the entire guilloché area is completely covered in enamel. The components are then fired in a furnace at temperatures exceeding 1,000° F, fusing the enamel to the metal and forming a layer of glass.

After cooling, the pieces are manually ground with a diamond file, restoring their proper shape and surface. This tedious process is repeated at length until the level of enamel reaches the depth required to cover the peaks and fill the valleys of each intricate guilloché pattern. When the final stages of firing are completed, the pieces are polished and buffed, revealing the velvet finish of translucent hard enamel.

Production of translucent hard enamel demands the highest levels of patience, experience and skill. A five-year apprenticeship is required to ensure that the highest levels of quality will be met in each individual Collection piece.

Color Options

The Deus Regit collection will be produced in five color variations, each limited to an aggregate production of 88 pieces:

Translucent White, Azure Blue, Citrine, Grey, Mossy Black and Opaque Black in gold vermeil 

Translucent White, Grey, Citrine, Mint Green, Mossy Black and Opaque Black 

Translucent White, Grey, Citrine, Ruby, Mossy Black and Opaque Black with gold vermeil 

Translucent White, Grey, Citrine, Ruby, Mossy Black, Ruby and Opaque Black in gold vermeil

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