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Consider the Lilies

Consider the Lilies

“Consider the lilies, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”—The Bible, Luke 12:27 (ASV)

Marking our Tenth Anniversary, the Lily Collection speaks of our gratitude for all that is virtuous, beautiful and pure. In a world full of clouds and error, the Lily Collection reminds us of all that we hold precious, all that we hope for and all that we aspire to be.

The Lily Collection incorporates three levels of Guilloché engraving and six colors of translucent and opaque Hard Enamel on each Collection piece. The entire body of each pen is first cut down to the level of the background, leaving the outer and inner lines of the lilies, pads and leaves in high relief. The backgrounds are then kiln-fired with opaque Hard Enamel in either Black or White. The Lilies are the first Collection pieces to incorporate three colors of Hard Enamel onto one surface without separating each of them with dividing lines in high relief and the three colors of the daylilies graduate and gradate inconsistently, emulating nature’s unique ability to distinguish one lily from another.  

The Lily Collection is the twelfth in the David Oscarson series of Limited Edition Writing Instruments and will be produced in two color variations, each limited to production of 88 pieces (including Fountain Pen and Roller Balls):

Opaque Black with Translucent Saffron, Citrine, Ruby and Emerald Hard Enamel in Gold Vermeil

Opaque White with Translucent Saffron, Citrine, Ruby and Emerald Hard Enamel in Gold Vermeil

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