Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Man of Power, man of Peace… As the inventor of Dynamite, he revolutionized the technology of destruction, yet his philanthropic and humanistic influences, along with his name live on, reaching far beyond his short life of sixty three years. Few in history are revered as Alfred Nobel and his numerous inventions; together they changed the world and his legacy will endure through the ages as a companion to his eternal tribute to peace.
Born in Stockholm, Sweden, October, 1833, Alfred’s early life was one of poverty. Early desires to become a writer gave way to his destiny as an inventor and entrepreneur. As an inventor, Alfred held the belief that all inventions were symbols of progress that belonged to all humanity. After a visit to one of the Nobel factories, King Oscar II of Sweden proposed a toast to the Nobel family “of which several members have been and remain a credit to Sweden and have made the name of Sweden honored all over the world”.
In reference to his invention of dynamite, Nobel wrote “I should like to be able to create a substance or machine with such a horrific capacity for mass annihilation that wars would become impossible forever”. Also penned was “War is the horror of all horrors and the greatest of all crimes”. He never married and had no children yet in his final will he wrote “Whether or not I am still alive by then does not matter; what… I have given will live on”.
Following is Alfred Nobel’s last Will and Testament, outlining the purpose of his vast fortune:

I, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Hereby declare, after due consideration, that this is my last will with regard to the estate that, at my death I will leave behind…
All of my remaining property shall be handled as follows:
The capital, which is to be invested by the executors in stable securities, shall constitute a fund, the annual interest on which shall be awarded as prizes to those persons who during the previous year have rendered the greatest services to mankind. The interest shall be divided into five equal parts. One part shall be awarded to the person who has made the most important discovery or invention in the realm of physics; one part to the person who has made the most important chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who has made the most important discovery in the realm of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who has produced an outstanding work of literature in an ideal direction; one part to the person who has done the most and best work for the brotherhood of nations and the abolishment or reduction of standing armies as well as for the establishment and spread of peace congresses.
The prizes for physics and chemistry shall be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; those for achievements in the realm of physiology or medicine by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm; those for literature by the Stockholm Academy; and those for the promoters of peace by a committee of five persons to be selected by the Norwegian Storthing. It is my express wish that the prizes be distributed without regard to nationality, so that the prizes may be awarded in every case to the worthiest, whether he be Scandinavian or not.
This last Will and Testament voids any previous instructions of mine in any other Last Will, if such were to be found after my death.
As executors of my will I appoint Ragnar Sohlman, a resident at Bofors, Varmland, and Rudolf Liljequist of 31 Malmskillnadsgatan, Stockholm, and Bengtfors near Uddevalla.
Paris, the 27th of November 1895
Alfred Bernhard Nobel
Alfred Bernhard Nobel Collection
The Alfred Bernhard Nobel is the thirteenth in the David Oscarson™ series of Limited Edition writing instruments. Produced in five color variations, each limited to an aggregate production of 63 pieces (including fountain pens and roller balls), the Nobel Collection will stand as a lasting tribute to the sixty three years of Alfred Nobel’s historical life and his enduring influence around the world.
Two divisive elements comprise this Limited Edition that parallel Alfred Nobel’s life: Destruction and Peace. Inspired by his invention of dynamite, this one-of-a-kind collection features an exploding stick of dynamite on the barrel, coupled with a burning fuse while the years 1833 and 1896 rest at its base. The bottom of the barrel emulates a blasting cap (another of Nobel’s inventions) engraved – in Swedish – with the words Varning (Warning) Tändhattar (Blasting Caps) and Fara (Danger). Four levels of Guilloche engraving are employed on the barrel, depicting an explosive blast. Four colors of Hard Enamel are then kiln-fired to the surface of the barrel without separation, merging outward from White to Yellow to Orange to Red.
By sharp contrast, the Nobel cap features a simple repeating pattern of a White Dove: the international symbol for peace. Engraved above is the name of Alfred Bernhard Nobel. Adorning the top of the crown are the unmistakable three crowns of Sweden, most recognized from the top of Stadshuset (City Hall) in Stockholm where each year on December 10th, marking the last day of Alfred Bernhard Nobel’s earthly life, prize winners enjoy dinner and an evening with the King and Queen of Sweden.
Hard Enamel
The Alfred Nobel Collection continues in the spirit of artistic mastery and the tradition of Old World craftsmanship by combining the centuries-old technique of Guilloché with the art and expertise of Hard Enamel.
Using a mortar and pestle, a composition of glass, water and metal oxides is ground for hours by hand. When settled, the water is removed, leaving the fine paste that is the basis for hard enamel. A quill is then used to apply each coat of the mixture to the surface of the metal, ensuring that the entire guilloché area is completely covered in enamel. The components are then fired in a furnace at temperatures exceeding 1,000° F, fusing the enamel to the metal and forming a layer of glass.
After cooling, the pieces are manually ground with a diamond file, restoring their proper shape and surface. This tedious process is repeated at length until the level of enamel reaches the depth required to cover the peaks and fill the valleys of each intricate guilloché pattern. When the final stages of firing are completed, the pieces are polished and buffed, revealing the velvet finish of translucent hard enamel.
Production of translucent hard enamel demands the highest levels of patience, experience and skill. A five-year apprenticeship is required to ensure that the highest levels of quality will be met in each individual Collection piece.

The Alfred Bernhard Nobel Collection will be produced in 5 color variations:
Translucent Blue & White Cap and Opaque Black Barrel with multi-colored Enamel in Gold Vermeil
Translucent Red & White Cap and Opaque Black Barrel with multi-colored Enamel in Gold Vermeil
Opaque Black & Opalescent White Cap and Opalescent White Barrel with multi-colored Enamel in Gold Vermeil
Opaque Black & Translucent White Cap and Opaque Black Barrel with Multi-colored Enamel
Opaque Black & Opalescent White Cap and Opaque Yellow Barrel with multi-colored Enamel in Gold Vermeil